lang="en-US"> Prisoners of Maniacal March #NaPoWriMo (4) | Down the Rabbit Hole with Sir LeprechaunRabbit
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Prisoners of Maniacal March #NaPoWriMo (4)

AND THE ASSIGNMENT IS: to write a poem in which you explore what you think is the cruelest month, and why. Perhaps it’s September, because kids have to go back to school. Or January, because the holidays are over and now you’re up to your neck in snow. Or maybe it’s a month most people wouldn’t think of (like April), but which you think of because of something that’s happened in your life. 


March is a bitch month, I tell you!
Believe me not, if you will;
But April is being held hostage,
As Winter is with us still!
My Missus is crying to garden
Our children are wanting to bike;
And I want to go to the Rockies*
To climb, rappel and hike!
Prisoners, we are, to this monster
And it’s mid-month joke called “Spring;”
That is Someone’s cruel ‘magination
’cause I’ve never seen the thing!

*Rockies: Rocky Mountains

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