lang="en-US"> What's On *My* Phone? | Down the Rabbit Hole with Sir LeprechaunRabbit
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What’s On *My* Phone?


These are two must-have programmes that work perfectly together when doing genealogy!  I owe so much to Catherine (Hi, “Alaska!”) Pendleton for bringing them to my attention. (Many thanks, Dearie! And please tell Mama Georgia I said, “Hullo!” )

Dropbox holds documents, photos and frees up space on my phone, while Evernote has all my working notes and text thoughts.

CROWDFIRE (was JustUnfollow)

I do not have much interest in the feature that gives a list of your daily followers/ unfollowers, but there are a few others that I find useful:

And the remainder of apps are a large gamut of social media and some video games



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