lang="en-US"> Our Ancestry: By The Numbers | Down the Rabbit Hole with Sir LeprechaunRabbit
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Our Ancestry: By The Numbers

This is a brief outline for my relatives, curious of our ancestry and how we were a part of history, or more properly how we missed history.
Our earliest know ATKINSONs sailed from England five (5) years before an eighteen-year-old Victoria was crowned Queen of England!

It was February 1833, when they left England for Upper Canada, but what else was happening in the World?

British parliament had passed “The Factory Act” to regulate the labour of children as young as nine (9) years of age, in mills and factories.

The United States of America was being guided by the experienced hand of her seventh president, a veteran of their Revolution, a general named Andrew “Stonewall” JACKSON.

There was no Canada, as we know it, and, of course, no Prime Minister.

When they got off the boat in New York City, that familiar & welcoming maternal figure of so many immigrants, Lady Liberty, was not there with her torch aloft!

DID YOU KNOW: Lady Liberty looks out over the Atlantic Ocean for a reason? She has a little sister looking back at her from Paris, France!

And Ellis Island was just that, an island. Nothing more than empty real estate!

But, our family members were not processed here either, because British Consul, James Buchanan had written a letter excusing them, their luggage and personal effects.

So, all this amazing history, and we missed it due to no sense of of timing.

Hoping it isn’t hereditary.



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