It’s A New Year – It’s A New Look

Decided that a new look will better showcase what is here. Popular tags can be found at the bottom of the page. Let me know what you think of it. (There is not too much difference if you are viewing on cellphones, the right margin images show up at the bottom — the left ones don’t show up at o.0?).

Yes, I have been away for a while with just too many life changes to mention. They interfered with writing, blogging, photography and genealogy, but things are beginning to settle — I just might survive it! 


I got back into writing in a bit of a flurry, having received three requests for guest blogs in two days! It has taken two weeks to finish two of them:  one is for The NextGen Genealogy Network and the other for the second guest blogger series at MyCanvas.  The third is for the Preserve the Pensions Campaign (from the War of 1812), but I need to re-write it because I know I can do better! I have until the end of the month to finish it and I plan for it to be awe-some! 🙂

I was honoured to have my cemetery research paper, “Rock of Ages” published in the Utah Genealogical Association‘s Fall 2015 issue of CROSSROADS!  

It was previously published locally  in the February 2011 quarterly issue RELATIVELY SPEAKING of the Alberta Genealogical Society.


Since its writing, I have discovered some more interesting gravestones and markers, but not enough for a sequel yet. 🙂

On Tuesday, my Twitter feed was inundated with a high-volume of tweeting with the hashtag #DigAlpena.  (Sorry about that.).

The Alpena County (Michigan) George N. Fletcher Library was in a competition with four others for the opportunity to win a state grant to have their respective newspaper collections fully digitized.  

They were also in the finals last year, and it was very close, but the grant went to a sister county.

alpenaThis year’s annual competition began on the 19th of January, but I did not hear of it until the last day: Tuesday, the 26th! With relatives and ancestors buried in that county (going back to 1898), I felt compelled to help them. The tweeting lasted until midnight Eastern time, which was no big deal for me — that’s only ten p.m. in Mountain time! 

It was a remarkable experience — even the 2015 Miss America (Michigan) contestant, who is a local Alpena girl, also joined in late that day and brought some of “her sisters” along for the cause!

And as you can tell by the above graphic, they won this time!!

Now, this is important: I am going to (attempt to) write/blog once a month. I have a few drafts that have been lingering on hold for almost five years! I lost my Train of Thought in regards to most of them, but I hope that I can figure out where I was going with them.

az-2016-challengeThis April I will partake of the 7th Annual A to Z Blogging Challenge. Nostalgia has volunteered to help me.  Starting April 1st, and blogging Mondays to Saturdays, we will see how far I get before the Powers-That-Be bump me out!

For those of you that have been here since the beginning, thank you for holding on.

Those of you that came on board, this past year, hold on tight! You will see why this blog is the more popular of the two — and yes, Nostalgia will be here with bells on!

You have been warned



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